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207,13 EUR


Airbrush airbrush - artistic painting of helmets and motorcycles - AEROGRAFIT STUDIO


  • Range of activities:
    Painting / graphics / veneers


If you have ever been looking for an idea to stand out from the crowd and become original, you are in the right place. I am able to make any object or surface express your interior and harmonize with your personality.

I offer artistic airbrush painting with elements of artistic varnishing. Using top-shelf equipment, paints and materials, we can paint your dream graphic idea on, among others, helmets and motorcycles, as well as on walls, cars, truck cabins, trucks and all other surfaces.

Any valuation depends on many factors such as: the model (of the helmet/motorcycle), its current color, condition (whether it requires and how much paint corrections) and, of course, the motif to be painted.
The price given is an example of the minimum price for painting a motorcycle helmet.

You have an idea? We will help you achieve it! Write to us!

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